10 Ways to Get Caught Cheating in School

  1. Putting the exam answers on the back of your notebook or calculator, expecting that this technique will be particularly successful in foiling your professor.
  2. Put the answers on the front of your notebook or calculator, convinced that this will work because nobody would be insane enough to even think of this ridiculous idea in the first place.
  3. Using words in your term paper or project report you've never used in your life, but think they sound intelligent and will impress your instructor with your "Harvard graduate's" vocabulary.
  4. Using words in your term paper or project report your instructor has never even heard of.
  5. Use words in your term paper that nobody in the world has ever even heard of.
  6. Plagiarizing someone else's work by copying their words in your report -- without giving the author(s) the proper credit they deserve.
  7. Turning in someone else's 'take-home exam' as your own.
  8. Paying your brilliant roommate to do your term paper for you while you spend all weekend overhauling your car's engine.
  9. Copying a report without permission from a web page which states clearly on the bottom of the page: "Do not copy without permission."
  10. Bringing in binoculars to a classroom for a final exam with the clear intention of focusing in on the test of the only student in the class who got an A on the midterm.